Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : François Pellegrini [corresponding member] , Sébastien Fourestier.

parallel graph partitioning, parallel static mapping, parallel sparse matrix block ordering, graph repartitioning, mesh partitioning.

Scotch (http://www.labri.fr/~pelegrin/scotch/ ) is a software package for parallel and sequential sparse matrix ordering, parallel and sequential graph partitioning, as well as sequential static mapping and remapping, without and with fixed vertices, and mesh and hypergraph partitioning.

The initial purpose of Scotch was to compute high-quality static mappings of valuated graphs representing parallel computations onto target architectures of arbitrary topologies. This allows the mapper to take into account the topology and heterogeneity of the target architecture in terms of processor speed and link bandwidth. This feature, which was meant for the NUMA machines of the 1980's, has not been widely used in the past because machines in the 1990's became UMA again thanks to hardware advances. Now, architectures become NUMA again, and these features are regaining popularity.

The Scotch package consists of two libraries: the sequential Scotch library, and the parallel PT-Scotch library (for “Parallel Threaded Scotch”) that operates according to the distributed memory paradigm, using MPI. Scotch was the first full 64-bit implementation of a general purpose graph partitioner.

Version 6.0 , released on December 2012, corresponding to the 20th anniversary of Scotch , offers many new features: static mapping with fixed vertices, static remapping, and static remapping with fixed vertices. Several critical algorithms of the formerly strictly sequential Scotch library can now run in a multi-threaded way. All of these features, which exist only in the sequential version, will be available to the parallel PT-Scotch library in the upcoming release 6.1 .

Scotch has been integrated in numerous third-party software, which indirectly contribute to its diffusion. It is natively available in several Linux and Unix distributions, as well as on some vendors platforms (SGI, etc).